Your brain cannot do multitasking efficiently.

Brains one of the working organ of human body which can generate more then 70,000 thoughts per day. Well good thing for men that there brain are 10% larger then women, but scientist also say size doesn't matter in sense of smartness.


Einstein brain weight was less then actual weight of human brain. Women brains have more cells and connector , this why they work efficiently more then men. The thing which we see are sent to our brain upside down and our brain correct them so we can see things perfectly. Reading out loud to kids accelerate their brain development.

your brains is 75% made up of water,Your brain was larger then other organs when you were born. By the way if I remove your skull and poke on your brain which will be not nice, but the main thing you didn't feel any pain because your brain has no pain receptors. If you have degenerative brain disease, your brain never lose ability to learn and change because it constantly rewiring itself.

Now talk about some myth, according to some urban myth that we only use 10% and other hand scientist say we use all of our brain if you don't believe it then cut little bit of your brain and try to use it. Movie limitless is on urban myth. Next myth is about multitasking , you cannot do thing efficiently by Multitasking. well according to University of Utah there are 2 to 2.5% people on earth that they can do multitasking but they people are called super taskers.

Post Written By Jawwad Iqbal Gaba
Jawwad Iqbal Gaba A.k.a Jig energetic and passionate guy with lot of motivation, Jig is a BS student in PAF Kiet and new to blogging with worst grammer

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