Interesting Facts About Disney World

Walt Disney one of the greatest man who make our childhood awesome, and some facts related to Disney world.

Walt Disney died of lung cancer before the first shovel of dirt was moved on construction of Disney world in 1966, Dec 15.

When Disney world was opened, I have 10,000 visitors attendance at opening, now today Magic Kingdom alone averages about 47,000 visitors a day.

Disney has closed three times due to mother nature.

On 11 Sept. 2001, In short the day of 9/11, it approximately took 30 minutes to evacuate the 
Disney Park from the visitor.

After tragic incident of 9/11, federal Aviation administration put a restriction on flights that the cant crosses over the Disney land.

Every year, the park finds an average of 6,000 cellphones, 3,500 digital cameras and 18,000 hats.

Some time lost items are glass eye, a prosthetic leg and potty trainer---all of which are claimed.
A married couple from Boynton Beach, Fla., Alex and Donna Voutsinas, realized years later that they were coincidentally photographed together at Disney as children.

The Walt Disney World resort is about the size of San Francisco

The Animal Kingdom features more than 3,000 species in its 4 million trees and plants.

If you were to stay in a different room every night at the Disney World resorts, to sleep in them all would take you 68 years.

Disney World decorates more than 1,500 Christmas trees at holiday time.

There are more than 81 holes of golf on five courses on the property.

Post Written By Jawwad Iqbal Gaba
Jawwad Iqbal Gaba A.k.a Jig energetic and passionate guy with lot of motivation, Jig is a BS student in PAF Kiet and new to blogging with worst grammer

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