Knock Shortest Scary Story contain only two lines.

“Knock” shortest horror story written by Fredric Brown.
“The last man on Earth sat alone in a room .There was a knock on the door”

This science fiction short story is inspired by a following text of Thomas Bailey Aldrich.

Imagine all human beings swept off the face of the earth, excepting one man. Imagine this man in some vast city, New York or London. Imagine him on the third or fourth day of his solitude sitting in a house and hearing a ring at the door-bell!
Fredric remake the text to a sweet little horror story which contain only two sentence. Now this two line story also have its plot summary in which a alien name ZAN which said to be immortal and killed all the human race in the world. Only two species lives one is a man name Walter Phelan and other is a women Grace Evans the last women on earth, which is not impressed by Walter and try stay away from him. Now the question come into mind that who will be on the door. It will be Grace or Zan? But fear which make it scary it’s the fear of unknown.

Post Written By Jawwad Iqbal Gaba
Jawwad Iqbal Gaba A.k.a Jig energetic and passionate guy with lot of motivation, Jig is a BS student in PAF Kiet and new to blogging with worst grammer

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